Return and Refund Policy
Our Standard return policy is that we will gladly return your lift kit if there is a warranty or defect concern, or if the kit has been installed and you are unsatisfied.
We will make a reasonable effort to exchange or rework parts for a customer that has specific needs because of lean or other issues. Contact us directly at or 757-303-8286 for more assistance.
We do not take returns simply because you changed your mind, or gas prices went up, or you or your significant other doesn't want their truck lifted anymore.
We go out of our way to attempt to be available for technical support questions before the sale and we expect our customers to educate themselves on the kits that they are purchasing. If you're reading this before making a purchase and feel that you'll likely want to make a return, please take your business elsewhere. If you know what you want and have heard of the Cornfed Suspension reputation for great cost effective lift kits, we will be glad to assist you.
Thanks, Management